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82% of dog owners, regularly buy treats for their dogs, according to PoundWholesale.
Dog treats for Biewer Terriers come in all shapes and sizes – they don’t even have to be pre-packaged! Yep, that’s right some of a Biewer Terrier’s favorite treats are items you’re likely to already have lurking in your cupboards or fridge.
So, let’s find out what treats Biewers love best.
Sweet Potato Chews
A Biewer Terrier owner recently revealed online that Wholesome Pride’s Sweet Potato Dog Chews are their Biewer Terrier’s treat of choice. These treats are wholesome and contain no filler ingredients. They’re 100% sweet potato and each treat contains just 39 calories.
Remember, Biewer Terriers need a small number of calories per day due to their small stature, so make sure you don’t over-indulge your pooch with these tasty sweet potato treats.
Fresh fruit and veggies
There’s a good chance that your Biewer Terrier is going to love some of the fresh fruit and veggies you’ve got in your fridge. One Yorkie owner told fellow dog owners on Reddit that their pooch loves fresh cauliflower, peeled red apple and Romaine lettuce.
Lots of fruits are dog-safe, including bananas, strawberries, mango, and watermelon. But there are also lots of fruits that are dangerous for dogs, such as grapes and raisins, so steer clear of them.
Similarly, many vegetables are great for dogs to eat. But there are some, including onions, leeks, and mushrooms which must be avoided.
Freeze-dried treats
Biewer Terriers can be a little tricky to train. Toilet-training is a particularly tough one due to their stubbornness and can be a difficult Biewer Terrier trait to overcome.
This is where mouth-watering treats, such as freeze-dried chicken, liver, beef etc can be amazing. When asked about good, small freeze-dried treats for dog training, one dog owner said that her female dog would only work for freeze dried beef liver.
Meanwhile, a fellow dog owner recommended using Pupford’s freeze dried liver as it comes in bitesize pieces which is great for small dogs, such as Biewer Terriers.
Peanut butter
Okay, so this one isn’t a great idea when you’re training at the park or out and about, but it’s a good dog treat to give when you’re at home.
Peanut butter is high in protein, so it’s great for building muscle strength in Biewer Terriers. What’s more, peanut butter is tasty and smells great. But, it is calorific, so limit the amount your Biewer eats. Make sure there’s no xylitol in the peanut butter you give your dog either as it’s toxic to dogs.
Dental chews
Yorkies and Biewer Terriers are renowned for suffering with teeth problems. From having a double row of teeth to tooth decay to heavy plaque, these small dogs get a hard time because of their teeth.
One Yorkie owner revealed on Reddit that her dog had to have a deep teeth cleaning under anaesthetic. At the same time, six of the dog’s teeth also had to be removed.
Dental sticks can be used to help clean your dog’s teeth as, when a dog chews on them, some of the plaque is scraped off the teeth. This is great if you have a Biewer who hides away every time you get their their toothbrush out!
Dental chews designed for small breeds are best for the small mouth of Biewer Terriers.
So the next time you’re looking to spoil or reward your Biewer Terrier with a treat (or two), make sure you consider these well-loved treats.